Collection of command line tools.

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CmdStamp v0.06

CmdStamp is a basic tool to display the current date and time in a user customized format. CmdStamp can be used for displaying execution times in batch or log files, time tracking programs, etc. It can redirected to an output such as a file or device if needed.

Usage: cmdstamp.exe [format]

Formatting options include the ability to display:



MM =

M =



WW =

W =

DD =

D =



YY =

Y =

HH =

H =

aa =

a =

hh =

h =

mm =

m =

ss =

s =

"text" =

Month by full name (September)

Month by first three letters (Sep)

Month by two digits (09)

Month by minimum of one digit (9)

Weekday by full name (Friday)

Weekday by first three letters (Fri)

Weekday by first two letters (FR)

Weekday by first letter only (F)

Day in two digits (04)

Day in minimum of one digit (4)

Year in four digits (2009)

Year in three digits (009)

Year in two digits (09)

Year in one digit (9)

12-Hour time in two digits (02)

12-Hour time in one digit minimum (2)

Time of day in two letters (pm)

Time of day in one letter minimum (p)

24-Hour time in two digits (14)

24-Hour time in one digit minimum (14)

Minutes in two digits (03)

Minutes in one digit minimum (3)

Seconds in two digits (05)

Seconds in one digit minimum (5)

Displays text between quotes as is

Format codes are case sensitive. M = Month while m = minutes

Default format: MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm:ss

Example: cmdstamp.exe WWWW, MMMM DD, YYYY "at" hh:mm:ss aa

Output: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 at 23:50:40 pm


CmdDStat v0.03

CmdDStat is a simple program to display disk drive statistics. It can redirect batch files using an exit errorlevel code which can execute different commands based on the file system type detected. Useful in determining which program to launch for data recovery, backups, running diagnostics, disk repair, etc.

An example batch (FileSys.bat) file has been included showing you how to properly direct output results.

Usage: cmddstat.exe [driveletter]

Example: cmddstat.exe

If no drive letter is specified, the current drive is analyzed.

Example: cmddstat.exe C:

Will examine C:\ drive and display results.

Exit errorLevels coded into the program:

0 = None, No Drive Detected / Not Readable

1 = FAT (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, FAT64)

2 = NTFS

3 = HPFS (OS/2)

4 = NWFS (NetWare)


255 = Other / Unlisted


CmdDInfo v0.03

CmdDInfo is a advanced version of the CmdDStat program used to display disk drive statistics. It functions similar the CmdDStat program except the output results are completely user customizable and multiple drives are supported. Output variables include total/free/used bytes in many formats, percentage free/used, volume info, file system types and more. Background and foreground colors, digit placement, division rounding, spacing, and non-modified quoted fields are supported. It can redirect batch files using an exit errorlevel code which can execute different commands based on the file system type detected. The same errorlevel code numbers used in CmdDStat are used in this program. Useful in determining which program to launch for data recovery, backups, running diagnostics, disk repair, etc.

Usage: cmddinfo.exe [format]

Formatting options include the ability to display:












NS =

NV =

NF =

NT =

LN =

B0 to BF =

C0 to CF =

CR =

D1 to DF =

DL =

PS =

R0 to R9 =

X1 to XZ =

"text" =

A: to Z: =

/A to /Z =

T=Total F=Free U=Used

Bytes without commas

Bytes with commas

Bytes with commas, right justified

Bytes converted into kilobytes

Bytes converted into megabytes

Bytes converted into gigabytes

Bytes converted into terabytes

Bytes converted into petabytes

Auto determine best format (####x) and add multiplier letter (B, K, M, G, etc.)

Percentage free/used (#%)

Volume Serial Number (####-####)

Volume Name

File System Type (FAT, NTFS, etc.)

File System Type Number, Errorlevel Code

File System Name Max Length (#)

Background Color 0 to F [Hex]

Foreground Color 0 to F [Hex]

Carriage Return (Jumps to next line)

Set minimum digit formatting [Hex]

Display Drive Letter (x:\)

Activate pause at end of program

Set minimum rounding formatting

Add spaces 1 to Z [Base36]

Displays text between quotes as is

Change drive letter, must not be used in a word, typing 'Size:' will not change to E:\

Use condensed version, in order to use this option, you cannot add any displayed variables. You can use /A to /Z as an alternative to using A: to Z: if you cannot use colons from your program launcher. The "/" and the drive letter must be the first two characters otherwise it will be assumed as formatting options.

Format codes are not case sensitive.

Default format: "--- Statistics for "dl ---crr1"Bytes Total ="x7tr" Volume Serial = "nscr"Bytes Free = "d2pffr" Volume Name = "nvcr"Bytes Used = "puur" File Sys Type = "nt (nf) Len:lncrb0c7"

Example: cmddinfo.exe

If no drive letter is specified, the current drive is analyzed.

Example: cmddinfo.exe d:dl "Free Space:" fgG pf

Output: D:\ Free Space: 205G 44%


CmdSnap v0.02

Cmdsnap creates a snapshot of everything in the command prompt buffer screen and copies it into a text file. Useful for creating a log file from tasks such as file copying, chkdsk, backups, logons, virus scanners, etc.

By default, it'll write the output file to the current folder. It does support paths and long file names. If you don't put a filename, it'll automatically generate a unique file name based on the current date and time in the format of CMD_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.txt (yyyy=year, mm=month, etc..) If you enter a filename that already exists, it will append/add to the existing file. If you try to save it to an invalid file name, write protected media, non-existing folder or drive letter, no file will be created.

Usage: cmdsnap.exe [filename]

Example 1: cmdsnap.exe

Will create a file named CMD_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.txt

If the date was Nov 15, 2008 at 10:34:56pm the file would be called


Example 2: cmdsnap.exe D:\

Will create a file named CMD_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.txt in the root of D:\

Note: The "\" must be included, otherwise it'll be assumed as a filename.

Example 3: cmdsnap.exe mylogfile.txt

Will create a file named mylogfile.txt in the current directory

Example 4: cmdsnap.exe d:\mylogfile.txt

Will create a file named mylogfile.txt in the root of D:\

Example 5: cmdsnap.exe d:\my log file.txt

Will create a file named "my log file.txt" in the root of D:\
